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When roofers remove Swamp Coolers, and try to be Plumbers, shit happens!

They took the legs off the Swamp Cooler for some reason, and later put them back on, incorrectly.  Also the electrical power conduit, as seen, has been bent to the right, and later all of this "plumber's work", ends up leaking, during the next rain.

The insurance claim provided funds for a plumbing company to remove and replace the cooler, Rhino Roofing had other plans.

The unit was later re-installed without being sealed, incorrectly leveled, and during the next rain, leaked, and interior drywall began to blister and swell.

A plumbing company was called in to correct the Swamp Cooler placement, and drywallers and painters, replaced the interior hallway ceiling and wall drywall, and was completed in 5 additional appointments.


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